I first discovered punch needle back in 2018 when I was stopped mid-scroll by a stunning image of a punched pillow. I had seen punch needle with embroidery floss, but did not realize you could punch with yarn, which was great news to me because I am an avid yarn lover/hoarder.
Equipped with an array of supplies (and a slightly lighter wallet), I set to work making mostly pillows. Which was wonderful because I could use them in my home, but there is a limit to how many pillows one can make and display on a single couch.
This led me down a road of discovery — what else can you make with a punch needle?
Since I am not much of a “tapestry as wall art” person, I wasn’t much intrigued by creating pieces to hang on my walls, but I was very interested in creating functional pieces of art — much like what was the original purpose of punch needle.
Over the years I have made many different punch needle projects including play blocks and even a full size rug, but I have to say punch needle slippers are among my favorite projects for a few different reasons.
1. They are so practical! I love wearing house shoes and there’s nothing better than donning a really cute pair you made yourself. For most of us we aren’t hand making our clothes anymore, but that used to be the way of life. I am don’t necessarily want to get into creating my own wardrobe, but I can get that same thrill of satisfaction on a smaller scale.
2. They make great gifts. While some people don’t really prefer handmade gifts, I think these can be the exception. They are handmade but not so crafty that the recipient wouldn’t actually wear them. They are intricate enough to feel like an extremely thoughtful gift, and perhaps my most favorite feature — they are impressive! They definitely give off that, “I can’t believe you made this” feeling.
3. They are easy to make. The punching takes maybe 1-2 hours and the assembly isn’t much longer than that. Like any craft you do, the more you do it the faster you get and if you’re like me you’ll be able to whip out a pair in about 3 hours. If you are a first time puncher this is a great starting project and my Punch Needle Slipper Course will show you exactly what you need to do and take away all the intimidation.
Sound like something you’d want to try? The Punch Needle Slipper Course will teach you EXACTLY how to make slippers, plus you’ll get a comprehensive supply list so that you can keep making for every single person you know!